Sarah Wabiegiizhig, SSW

Write Sarah or call 905 372 0007 ext.234



Question & Answer


What do you like about your job at Rebound?

I like that everyday is a little bit different. I love the clientele we serve and I LOVE that we are a free service!

What are you most proud of at Rebound?

I am proud of the way Rebound adapts to the needs of the community in Northumberland County.

What does Rebound's value, "ripple-effect," mean to you?

The ripple effect, to me, means breaking generational patterns so that every child has a chance to flourish.

How do you like to spend your free time when you're not at work?

I like to explore new places to go for hikes with my girlfriend and our two dogs!

What three words best describe you?

Silly, caring, and passionate